Top "Template-engine" questions

A template engine is software that is designed to process templates and content information to produce output documents.

How to use underscore.js as a template engine?

I'm trying to learn about new usages of javascript as a serverside language and as a functional language. Few days …

javascript node.js functional-programming underscore.js template-engine
React.js: Wrapping one component into another

Many template languages have "slots" or "yield" statements, that allow to do some sort of inversion of control to wrap …

javascript template-engine composition reactjs transclusion
Is there a template engine for Node.js?

I'm experimenting with building an entire web application using Node.js. Is there a template engine similar to (for example) …

javascript template-engine node.js
Truncate string in Laravel blade templates

Is there a truncate modifier for the blade templates in Laravel, pretty much like Smarty? I know I could just …

php laravel laravel-blade template-engine texttrimming
how to reference a YAML "setting" from elsewhere in the same YAML file?

I have the following YAML: paths: patha: /path/to/root/a pathb: /path/to/root/b pathc: /path/to/root/…

syntax yaml template-engine transclusion
How to create global variables accessible in all views using Express / Node.JS?

Ok, so I have built a blog using Jekyll and you can define variables in a file _config.yml which …

node.js express sails.js template-engine ejs
What Javascript Template Engines you recommend?

I would like to know your opinion about javascript template engine, which one you think is better in terms of …

javascript template-engine
Check if value in array in angular template?

Is there any way to check if a value is in an array in an angular template? I'm looking to …

javascript angularjs template-engine
C# template engine

I am looking for a stand-alone, easy to use from C# code, template engine. I want to create an HTML …

c# template-engine
Declare CSS style outside the "HEAD" element of an "HTML" page?

my use-case is the following : I'm composing an HTML page by using parts that are valid HTML fragments but not …

html css templates template-engine