Top "Handlebars.js" questions

Handlebars is a templating library for JavaScript.

What does `{{{variable}}}` mean in handlebars?

What does triple curly braces mean in handlebars template syntax? For example {{{variable}}} I cannot find any documentation. Thanks

handlebars.js assemble
Meteor Handlebars: How to access a plain array?

var plain_array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] How can I show all elements in Meteor Handlebars? {{#each plain_array}} # What to put here to …

javascript meteor handlebars.js
ERROR in Error: Child compilation failed: Cannot find module 'handlebars'

I've recently erased all node_modules and did a fresh npm install. And keep getting this error: ERROR in Error: …

webpack handlebars.js html-webpack-plugin
Passing variables to handlebars partials in Ember.js

What I want to do should be fairly simple. I want to pass variables to partials for reusability. I want …

templates variables ember.js handlebars.js partials
Pass someVar+'a string' to Handlebars.js helper?

Let's say I have this Handlebars helper: Handlebars.registerHelper('someRandomHelperCreatingALink', function(passedVarAndString, url) { return '<a href="'+url+…

javascript templates meteor handlebars.js meteor-helper
Handlebars as an email template

I've just inherited a codebase, and it's using handlebars as an email templating language. I've googled around to try and …

node.js handlebars.js sendmail
How can I yield multiple pieces of content into an ember.js component template?

The goal is to define a structure of HTML that has more than one block of content that is declared …

ember.js handlebars.js htmlbars