Top "Htmlbars" questions

HTMLBars is the EmberJS templating system replacement for Handlebars starting with v1.

Combine linkTo and action helpers in Ember.js

I need to combine linkTo and action helpers in Ember.js. My code is: {{#link-to 'index'}}<span {{action 'clear'}}&…

javascript ember.js handlebars.js htmlbars ember-components
Conditional class in HtmlBars

In regular handlebars I was able to do: <div {{bind-attr class="model.isNew:new:old"}}> How can I …

ember.js htmlbars
Pass a reference of the clicked DOM element to the action handler in Ember

I have a set of buttons whose state I wish to toggle with a class active. If I had a …

ember.js htmlbars
Recording values of radio buttons in ember

I am fairly new to Ember (using version 0.2.3). I have a component with a few computed values. They gather these …

javascript ember.js handlebars.js htmlbars
How can I yield multiple pieces of content into an ember.js component template?

The goal is to define a structure of HTML that has more than one block of content that is declared …

ember.js handlebars.js htmlbars