Top "Gruntjs" questions

Grunt is a task-based command line build tool and task runner for JavaScript projects.

How to compile a project properly with Babel and Grunt

I'm trying to play with Babel, but it doesn't work well for me. My project is simple |-project/ |---src/ |-----index.…

javascript gruntjs babeljs
NodeJS environment variables in Grunt

I'm shifting my project from simply node server.js into using Grunt. I used to run my application directly from …

node.js environment-variables gruntjs
How to run two grunt watch tasks simultaneously

Is it possible to run two watch tasks simultaneously? I understand that I can have any number of tasks I …

gruntjs grunt-contrib-watch
xdg-open : no method available even after installing xdg-utils

I am using generator-angular-fullstack. On my local machine its working fine, I run grunt serve it starts server but in …

express gruntjs yeoman xdgutils
Installing Node Grunt Locally

I'm in the process of reworking my build system, and I've read that node.js with grunt is a good …

node.js build-automation portable-executable gruntjs
How to workaround "the input device is not a TTY" when using grunt-shell to invoke a script that calls docker run?

When issuing grunt shell:test, I'm getting warning "the input device is not a TTY" & don't want to have …

docker gruntjs tty grunt-shell
Cannot find module 'karma' while using grunt

I am using Yeoman toolkit to bootstrap an Angular web application. I've followed all the steps mentioned here. But still, …

angularjs npm gruntjs yeoman bower
Pass Options to a grunt task while running it

I thought there was a way to do this, and that I'd stumbled on it before. I have read these …

what does grunt "test command" do on npm init

I'm trying to learn grunt. When I run npm init, I get a prompt in the process of creating a …

javascript node.js package gruntjs
How can I rename files with Grunt, based on the respective file's parent folder name?

I have a the following structure: src/ modules/ module1/ js/ main.js scss/ main.scss index.html module2/ js/ main.…

gruntjs parent-child rename build-automation