Top "Gruntjs" questions

Grunt is a task-based command line build tool and task runner for JavaScript projects.

Using node-inspector with Grunt tasks

Does someone used node-inspector with Grunt for application debugging? If not, Can you recommend a debugging tool for Grunt based …

javascript debugging node.js node-inspector gruntjs
How to configure Grunt to replace Bower dependencies by its minified versions

I am new to Yeoman/Grunt/Bower. I have a bower.json file that defines the following dependencies: bower.json { "…

angularjs gruntjs yeoman bower
Angularjs minification using grunt uglify resulting in js error

In angularjs we pass parameters as dependency injection. For example, function checkInCtrl ($scope, $rootScope, $location, $http){ ….. …. } So when it gets …

javascript angularjs dependency-injection gruntjs uglifyjs
generator-angular: task "karma" not found when calling `grunt test`

I'm trying to setup a development environment with Yeoman for AngularJS, I installed Yeoman according to the instructions: sudo npm …

gruntjs yeoman karma-runner
Why is it recommended to use concat then uglify when the latter can do both?

I keep seeing the recommendation for making JS files ready for production to be concat then uglify. For example here, …

gruntjs uglifyjs grunt-contrib-concat
Why does Grunt not add itself to the shell?

I have a problem installing grunt. All the documentation, and blog post tutorials, say that running: npm install -g grunt …

macos gruntjs
List grunt.js tasks

I'm trying to work out how to print a list of all available grunt tasks. With rake it would be: $ …

ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE to opening my localhost in Chrome Android

I´m using the task BrowserSync of Grunt, this task launch my local project to the url "localhost:3000". This works …

javascript android google-chrome gruntjs browser-sync
Dynamically add version number to dest output files w/ grunt

I have a package.json file with our version number, such as: { name: "myproject" version: "2.0" } My goal is to dynamically …

javascript node.js gruntjs
Is it possible to compile grunt project from maven?

I'm trying to execute grunt tasks from within maven without needing to install Node.js or anything. This is because …

java node.js maven gruntjs