Top "Gruntjs" questions

Grunt is a task-based command line build tool and task runner for JavaScript projects.

Cannot find module 'findup-sync' when trying to run grunt

I am having trouble running grunt-cli after installing it. I run npm install -g grunt-cli then running grunt errors with …

node.js gruntjs
Programmatically pass arguments to grunt task?

I have a grunt task that calls other grunt tasks. I want to call a subtask with programmatically determined arguments. …

javascript node.js gruntjs
Warning: Running "compass:server" (compass) task

D:\Projects\mallspk>grunt serve Running "serve" task Running "clean:server" (clean) task >> 0 paths cleaned. Running "wiredep:…

angularjs node.js gruntjs yo
Task Runners (Gulp, Grunt, etc) and Bundlers (Webpack, Browserify). Why use together?

I am a bit new to the task runner and bundler world and while going through things like Grunt, Gulp, …

gruntjs gulp bundler browserify webpack
Grunt: Watch multiple files, Compile only Changed

I'm new to Grunt, and so far I'm enjoying it very much. I want Grunt to compile only the changed …

node.js coffeescript gruntjs
How can I get Grunt/Watch/LiveReload to reload Sass/CSS without a full page refresh?

So far, I've gotten everything working how I want (which is monitoring all the files I want and refreshing whenever …

javascript sass gruntjs livereload
What does the "expand" option do in grunt-contrib-copy? The examples all use it but the docs say nothing about what it does

Here is the README and examples: Here is the relevant part …

javascript gruntjs
Uglify JS Unexpected token operator <<->>, expected punc <<: >>

When i try to uglify and concat using Grunt uglify js in the follwing line , ember-data: 'ember' uglification fails. How …

gruntjs uglifyjs
Grunt usemin and useminPrepare multiple targets

From the usemin issues it appears that usemin and useminPrepare support multiple targets in the latest version: Support multiple targets …

javascript node.js gruntjs npm grunt-usemin
Npm module "grunt-contrib-imagemin" not found, Is it installed?

I run into this error, when I try to do build a project with "grunt build". There seems to be …

gruntjs yeoman bower