Top "Gruntjs" questions

Grunt is a task-based command line build tool and task runner for JavaScript projects.

Grunt doesn't launch : ">> ReferenceError: grunt is not defined"

I'm new to NodeJS and Grunt and I'm struggling to make this work. Here's what I get : $> grunt Loading "…

node.js npm gruntjs compass-sass
How to get Grunt-Contrib-Copy to copy files/directories relative to given source path

First time using this task and what I'm trying to achieve is the following: copy all directories/files from src/…

javascript copy gruntjs grunt-contrib-copy
Assets missing in Angular application built using grunt

I have built an application using Yeoman and AngularJS (and all the stuff that goes along with it like Grunt …

angularjs gruntjs yeoman bower
How to exclude certain requireJS files from uglifying/optimizing

I have a working requirejs project that is using grunt for building and deployment. If using no optimization at all, …

requirejs require gruntjs uglifyjs uglifyjs2
How do I manage relative path aliasing in multiple grunt-browserify bundles?

This is tad long but I'll need the code example to illustrate my confusion. After which I am interested to …

gruntjs browserify
How to debug Gruntfile.js with log statements?

In my Gruntfile, how can I add log statements, to its processing, as in the following example? karma: { unit: { configFile: "&…

jquery gruntjs karma-runner grunt-contrib-qunit
Disable Asset Pipeline/Sprockets Rails 4.1

I cannot seem to find a way to disable the Asset Pipeline in Rails 4.1. I see a lot of information …

ruby-on-rails gruntjs asset-pipeline sprockets
Alternate grunt.js tasks for dev/prod environments

I am trying to set up my grunt.js file so it only runs the min task when running on …

javascript node.js npm gruntjs
What is workflow in Yeoman to work with Sass files?

I try to use yeoman but I don't know how to use my own sass files with it. With grunt …

sass compass-sass gruntjs yeoman
Run grunt server with various browsers

Is it possible to specify a particular browser (besides the OS' default) in the gruntfile or at the command prompt? …

gruntjs yeoman