Grunt is a task-based command line build tool and task runner for JavaScript projects.
Grunt takes a quite long to compile the css file, I am not sure if this is normal but regular …
performance gruntjs watch grunt-contrib-watch grunt-contrib-compassRecently I was asked to obfuscate my javascript in order to hide a client's api key. I'm using grunt. Will …
javascript gruntjs obfuscation uglifyjs deobfuscationI'm writing a node.js program that will watch a directory filled with a large (300-ish) amount of scss projects. …
node.js compass-sass gruntjs grunt-contrib-watchHi I'm using the grunt browserify task to setup my code, I have shimmed in jQuery and I'm now trying …
javascript jquery gruntjs browserify shimI've got a Grunt setup which uses Karma+Jasmine and JSHint. Whenever I run JSHint on my spec file, I …
javascript gruntjs jasmine karma-runner jshintAfter running yo angular and then cd'ing into the application's root folder (at same level as the app folder, gruntfile, …
angularjs gruntjs yeoman yeoman-generator-angularI often see in some example gruntfiles the use of <%= %> and <%= yeoman.dist %> environment …
gruntjs yeomanI've attempted to do this both in Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012. If my Gruntfile.js file is in the …
visual-studio-2010 visual-studio-2012 gruntjs post-build-eventI tried to run the watch task by grunt in node.js but it doesn't work for me (this is …
javascript node.js gruntjs grunt-contrib-watchI'm using grunt 0.4.2 and grunt-contrib-less 0.9.0. I want my LESS to be compiled into CSS with support for source maps. My …
css less gruntjs source-maps