Grunt is a task-based command line build tool and task runner for JavaScript projects.
I am trying to use the mean stack as described here : after install, when making "grunt", there …
node.js express gruntjs mean-stackI can't get a lot of contrib-sass features to work in grunt. I dived into grunt a day ago and …
sass gruntjs watch no-cache source-mapsIn version 2.0.2 of grunt-browserify, browserify-shim was removed from the module itself and converted to be used as a transform, rather …
javascript node.js gruntjs commonjs browserifyI have a little Grunt task that shells out via node and runs "composer install". var done = this.async(); var …
javascript node.js stdout gruntjs child-processI'm using grunt in a project and created tasks to minify and concat many .js files. I'm now trying to …
javascript node.js gruntjs uglifyjs source-mapsI'm aware of the SO threads about this (I've linked them below), but unfortunately I couldn't solve this with them, …
angularjs gruntjs font-awesome bower bootstrap-sassA plugin I’m using relies on $(':animated'), but since I upgraded to jQuery 1.8.0 this throws an error: Uncaught …
jquery jquery-selectors sizzle gruntjsTrying to learn Grunt. I have installed the grunt-contrib-compass,and grunt-contrib-watch plugins. When I use grunt in terminal, it runs …
javascript sass gruntjs compass grunt-contrib-compassI'm trying out Yeoman Server for the first time and see that it offers a native watch tool as a …
javascript gruntjs yeoman livereload