Top "Gruntjs" questions

Grunt is a task-based command line build tool and task runner for JavaScript projects.

Grunt Uglify - Ignore Specific Files/Folders

When running uglify, I need to make it ignore certain files and folders, but still scan the entire folder structure …

gruntjs grunt-contrib-uglify
Codeigniter and React.JS setup

Im planning to have Codeigniter and ReactJS for my new project, I need to know how to setup the project …

codeigniter gruntjs reactjs grunt-contrib-watch
Grunt Concat cannot write to file

Just installed latest Grunt on Ubuntu 12.04. Here is my gruntfile: module.exports = function(grunt){ //project configuration grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.…

How to specify file order with Grunt?

I've just started using Grunt, and I'm trying to get the concat task to concat my files in a specific …

node.js gruntjs minimatch
cssmin not correctly handling @import

I am using cssmin on files containing @imports. cssmin is recursively importing local files correctly, but for imports that point …

css gruntjs minify bundling-and-minification grunt-contrib-cssmin
What are npm, bower, gulp, Yeoman, and grunt good for?

I'm a backend developer, and slightly confused by npm, bower, gulp, grunt, and Yeoman. Whenever I ask someone what their …

javascript npm gruntjs bower tooling
How to copy files without the full path with grunt.js?

I want to copy the content of /pckg to /dist with grunt.js. Here is the structure: |-- folder1 | | | |-- …

gruntjs grunt-contrib-copy
Should I use angular-seed or yeoman for a new Angular application?

I'm a little confused about which way I should create a new AngularJS application. As far as I can tell …

javascript angularjs gruntjs yeoman
Sass variable declaration precedence

I am declaring variable of same name in two files. I import them in a following order and found a …

css ruby sass gruntjs compass
Npm module "grunt-sass" not found. Is it installed?

I am using windows 10. Have installed npm version 5.6.0,node v8.10.0 and Python 2.7. Getting grunt-sass is not installed even after installing …

node.js npm gruntjs google-api-nodejs-client grunt-sass-lint