Top "Bundling-and-minification" questions

Bundling and minification are used to optimize web content by reducing the number of requests to the server and as well as the size of requested assets (such as CSS and JavaScript).

Bundler not including .min files

I have a weird issue with the mvc4 bundler not including files with extension .min.js In my BundleConfig class, …

c# javascript bundling-and-minification
gulp minify all css files to a single file

I have gulp task script as following, // loads various gulp modules var gulp = require('gulp'); var concat = require('gulp-concat'); var …

node.js gulp bundling-and-minification
Usage of the ASP.NET MVC4 jquery/javascript bundles

when I created my project with the standard MVC4 template, there was ALOT of javascript included, e.g: jquery-obtrusive, jquery-validate, …

jquery bundling-and-minification
How to force BundleCollection to flush cached script bundles in MVC4

... or how I learned to stop worrying and just write code against completely undocumented APIs from Microsoft. Is there any …

c# bundling-and-minification
ASP.NET Bundling - Bundle not updating after included file has changed (returns 304 not modified)

I am trying out ASP.NET Bundling with ASP.NET MVC 4 application. The situation is that I want to make … bundle bundling-and-minification
MVC Bundling and CSS relative URLs

MVC's bundling is returning the wrong URL in CSS images when using CssRewriteUrlTransform: I have an intranet application whose URL …

css relative-path bundling-and-minification
How to minify CSS and JavaScript files in Visual Studio 2015

I am building a web application for mobile using visual studio, and I wanted to know how do I minify …

web-applications minify bundling-and-minification
Minification failed. Returning unminified contents

I have made my first website using MVC 5 which works fine on my local machine but when I publish it … bundling-and-minification
Why is MVC4 @Styles.Render() not behaving as expected in debug mode

I am implementing the bundling and minification support in MVC4 and setting it up so it can compile my Bootstrap .… bundling-and-minification