Just installed latest Grunt on Ubuntu 12.04. Here is my gruntfile:
module.exports = function(grunt){
//project configuration
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
concat: {
slides : {
src : ['src/top.html', 'src/bottom.html'],
dest : ['build/index.html']
//enable plugins
grunt.registerTask('default', ['concat:slides']);
This creates the build/ directory fine, but gives me the output of:
Running "concat:slides" (concat) task Warning: Unable to write "build/index.html" file (Error code: undefined). Use --force to continue.
I tried running chmod 777 on the directory, as I thought it might have something to do with permissions, but that didn't seem to change anything.
How can I make it so Grunt will write to build/index.html?
Figured it out:
//Does not work
dest : ['build/index.html']
Works as a string, but not an array:
dest : 'build/index.html'