Top "Grunt-contrib-uglify" questions

Minify files with UglifyJS.

Gruntfile.js - Task "default" not found

Here is my Gruntfile.js module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON("package.json"), uglify: { options: { mangle: …

javascript gruntjs grunt-contrib-uglify
how to minify js files in order via grunt-contrib-uglify?

I have a directory like below: /folder/b.js /folder/jQuery.js /folder/a.js /folder/sub/c.js I …

javascript node.js gruntjs uglifyjs grunt-contrib-uglify
How to grunt-uglify multiple script files while keeping folder structure

I have not found a good way to grunt-uglify multiple script files spread over multiple folders while keeping the folder …

javascript gruntjs grunt-contrib-uglify
Grunt concat + uglify with sourcemaps

I use concat to merge JS files into one file and uglify to minimize the JavaScript. How can I create …

gruntjs source-maps grunt-contrib-concat grunt-contrib-uglify
some es6 features are not understood by grunt uglify js?

I used grunt-uglify in my project and I'm working with es6. for some es6 features, such as fat arrow function, …

javascript gruntjs ecmascript-6 grunt-contrib-uglify
Combine and minify all bower libraries with gruntjs

Is there a way to combine and minify all bower installed libraries into 1 file automatically? First I tried the most …

gruntjs minify bower grunt-contrib-uglify wiredep
Change link or script filename in html after gruntjs minify/uglify

I am using standard minify/uglify for css/js files and combine multiple files to main.min.css or app.…

javascript html node.js gruntjs grunt-contrib-uglify
Does grunt-contrib-uglify not parse "let" keywords?

I am getting an error, 'Unexpected token: name (bazz)' when my grunt task is running uglify. The only thing …

javascript uglifyjs grunt-contrib-uglify
How to use grunt-contrib-uglify to gzip the js files also?

I'm running a grunt task: uglify: { options: { report: 'gzip' }, all: { expand: true, flatten: true, cwd: 'js/', src: ['*.js', …

javascript gruntjs grunt-contrib-uglify