Top "Gruntjs" questions

Grunt is a task-based command line build tool and task runner for JavaScript projects.

Troubles with NPM and node-gyp in Windows

I have some troubles with npm packages on my Windows workstation... I have a set of NPM dependencies in my …

node.js gruntjs npm grunt-contrib-watch
grunt watch task block the command line

I'm new to grunt, still learning, so I came up to a very strange problem. When I run "watch" task, …

node.js command-line cmd watch gruntjs
Grunt wiredep:app no such file or directory bower.json

I'm trying to deploy my Yeoman's Angular app to my production server. When I try to run the grunt build …

gruntjs grunt-wiredep
How do you watch multiple files, but only run task on changed file, in Grunt.js?

In learning how to use grunt, I am trying to make a simple coffee-script watcher/compiler. The problem is, if …

javascript node.js gruntjs
What are the differences between Grunt, Gulp.js and Bower? Why & when to use them?

What are the differences between Grunt, Gulp.js and Bower? Why & when and how to use them? I've seen …

javascript html gruntjs gulp bower
Webpack-dev-server with bypass proxy

How to achieve a 'proxy' (similar to grunt-connect-proxy) option with webpack-dev-server ? I am using webpack and webpack-dev-server with Grunt. A …

javascript node.js gruntjs webpack grunt-connect-proxy
Node glob pattern for every .js file except .spec.js

I am looking for a better glob pattern for usemin, i want to to find all .js files but exclude …

javascript node.js gruntjs glob grunt-usemin
Minify some files, combine all, with Grunt.JS

I'm moving a dev team away from Chirpy, an add-in for visual studio, for combination & minification of CSS/JS …

gruntjs uglifyjs
How do I run grunt from a different folder than my root project

Is there a way to tell grunt which grunt.js file to use? I have an f:\a\b\tools …

node.js gruntjs
Grunt, Less, and File Watching

I'm trying to get grunt working to do something. My project looks like this: /app /assets /components /stylesheets /less /file1.…

less gruntjs