Acronym for "Graphics Processing Unit". For programming traditional graphical applications, see the tag entry for "graphics programming". For general-purpose programming using GPUs, see the tag entry for "gpgpu". For specific GPU programming technologies, see the popular tag entries for "opencl", "cuda" and "thrust".
I’m running a virtual vachine on GCP with a tesla GPU. And try to deploy a PyTorch-based app to …
docker cuda gpu nvidia-dockerI have downloaded a software (info-beamer) and I would like to use the GPU acceleration to decode H.264 videos. I …
gpu gstreamer h.264 libavcodecWhen I am trying to launch Android virtual device in Android Studio 2.0, it is giving me following error. ERROR: Invalid …
android android-studio gpu avd mesaWhich is in your opinion the fastest available Delaunay triangulation algorithm for GPU? Or more general, in parallel
geometry parallel-processing gpu triangulationWould using multi-GPUs in Vulkan be something like making many command queues then dividing command buffers between them? There are 2 …
gpu multi-gpu vulkanI am new to CUDA programming, and I am working on a problem that requires multiple GPUs in one machine. …
cuda gpu sliI have installed TensorFlow 1.7 on an Ubuntu 16.04 with Cuda 9.0 and CuDNN 7.0.5 and vanilla Python 2.7 and although they samples for both …
python tensorflow gpu cudnnI installed the tensorflow-0.8.0 GPU version, tensorflow-0.8.0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl. It says it requires CUDA toolkit 7.5 and CuDNN v4. # …
tensorflow cuda gpu cudnnGaussian, box, radial, directional, motion blur, zoom blur, etc. I read that Gaussian blur can be broken down in passes …
glsl shader gpu hlsl pixel-shader