Top "Egl" questions

EGL™ is an interface between Khronos rendering APIs such as OpenGL ES or OpenVG and the underlying native platform window system.

OPENGL ES not working : no Current context

I tried the program as shown in book OpenGL ES2 for Android, but it's not working!! I have tested in …

android opengl-es egl
What is the relationship between EGL and OpenGL?

I'm writing an implementation for OpenVG and OpenGL|ES in Go, both of which depend on the Khronos EGL API, …

opengl opengl-es egl openvg
EGL guide for beginners

I'd like to get into EGL. However, the "only" I've been able to find is the API reference. Searching for "…

What is EGL And How Can I Use It

Can Anybody explain me what is EGL and what it does? How can i use EGL with OpenGL-ES On Linux? …

linux opengl opengl-es egl
Android Webview not working on Android 4.4

I am developing an Android application based on a Webview. All is working fine on Android 4.1 but on 4.4 it throws …

java android webview android-4.4-kitkat egl
createWindowSurface failed: EGL_BAD_MATCH?

the version android is 2.2.1 the device is a samsung galaxy II the full crash log is: java.lang.RuntimeException: createWindowSurface …

android crash egl
How to fix the 0x3009 (EGL_BAD_MATCH) issue while invoking eglCreatePbufferSurface?

I use the createOffscreenSurface from grafika: /** * Creates an off-screen surface. */ public void createOffscreenSurface(int width, int height) { if (mEGLSurface != EGL14.…

android egl grafika
egl - Can context be shared between threads

Is it allowed to create egl context from main() and render from another thread, given the fact that the context …

multithreading egl
Android initialise openGL2.0 context with EGL

I want to do off-screen image processing on Android in native code, so I need create the openGL context in …

android opengl-es egl
How to use GraphicBuffer in android ndk

I am asking this with reference to an answer for my question at How to improve opengl es display performance …

android opengl-es android-ndk egl