Top "Egl" questions

EGL™ is an interface between Khronos rendering APIs such as OpenGL ES or OpenVG and the underlying native platform window system.

How to set OpenGL version in either EGL or GLSurfaceView?

For the OpenGL Android project I am working on, I need ES 2.0, but I need the control of rendering buffers/…

android opengl-es opengl-es-2.0 egl
List screen resolutions using Wayland/Weston

I am porting some tests from X11 to Wayland and there is little to no information on how to list …

linux egl wayland
texture for YUV420 to RGB conversion in OpenGL ES

I have to convert and display YUV420P images to RGB colorspace using the AMD GPU on a Freescale iMX53 …

opengl-es gpu rgb yuv egl
Android: Is it possible to create a SurfaceTexture without a SurfaceView?

I want to create a SurfaceTexture with an OpenGL texture that I can manage, in a setup similar to this …

android opengl-es android-ndk egl
eglCreateWindowSurface: native_window_api_connect failed

I have a problem that occours only with the latest Samsung Galaxy series when android:hardwareAccelerated is set to false …

android opengl-es egl
pbuffer vs fbo in egl offscreen rendering

I'm very confused at egl pbuffer surface. In my opinion, a pbuffer surface is a platform independent surface, just like …

opengl-es egl off-screen
Fedora 19 using rpmfussion's NVIDIA driver: libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast

When running an app that uses Qt 4.7 on my Fedora 19 box I am getting the following errors from the application: …

opengl fedora nvidia egl glx

I would like to render an image buffer in Java (NDK is no option in this case) and pass it …

java android opengl-es-2.0 egl