Top "Font-family" questions

font-family is a CSS property that applies fonts and generic font families (prioritised by the order they are listed) to a given or selected element.

List of Built-in WPF Fonts

I'm looking for the list of "safe" font families to use in a WPF application - font families that should …

wpf fonts font-family
Font families available in JavaFX 8

In my JavaFX application, the user will have the possibility to choose the font or font family for displaying the …

fonts javafx font-family
Why isn't my <select> "font-family" property inheriting from <body>?

My code: Why is the first <select> element not inheriting the font-family property from the specification for <…

html css inheritance font-family
Do I need to wrap quotes around font family names in CSS?

I remember hearing a long time ago that it was considered "best practice" to wrap quotes around font names that …

css font-family quotation-marks
Set FontFamily and FontSize for the application in App.xaml

How can I set the FontFamily and FontSize for the application in App.xaml?

wpf font-family
Font family Roboto light and bold in react native

I',m making some changes on the text in my react native application: I need to specify Roboto light for …

text fonts react-native font-family roboto
How to link to a .woff font file in html document

I have a problem with a font I installed on my computer that I want to apply to HTML5 / CSS3. …

html css font-face font-family
How do I Change the FontFamily on a ContentPresenter?

I have a custom template for an expander that is close to the code below. I had to change some …

wpf xaml contentpresenter font-family
Custom Fonts with Support Library is not working on a real device

I have used custom font with Support Library API 26. I have created font-family using style and add style to my …

android font-family
font-family for Futura Condensed Extra Bold not working

I feel like a muppet for asking this but how can i get Futura Condensed Extra Bold to show up …

css font-family