font-family for Futura Condensed Extra Bold not working

hath22 picture hath22 · Aug 2, 2012 · Viewed 19.2k times · Source

I feel like a muppet for asking this but how can i get Futura Condensed Extra Bold to show up in CSS.

Before someone says it, yes I am aware that those Windows people out there wont be able to see it but this is for the Mac community, anyway at this stage i can't even see it and I have the font installed on my system.

So I have tried so many variations of this phrase but none work. I've tried with and without quotes, spaces, dashes, all sorts but it's still not working.

font-family: "Futura-CondensedExtraBold", sans-serif;

Here is a screenshot of the installed font, as you can see the name i used matches the PostScript name too.

Screenshot of Font Book


Ross Edman picture Ross Edman · Oct 12, 2012

Most people who are using Futura on the web are loading through services like Typekit. So if you are seeing this typeface frequently on sites you like it is for this reason. I recommend trying that service or one similar so everyone can see it. I believe there is a free personal one and it is just a script install. Then your

font-family: "Futura-CondensedExtraBold", sans-serif;

would work. Just check what Typekit uses to load this. I believe there's would be

font-family: "futura-pt-condensed", sans-serif; font-weight: 600;