Top "Font-family" questions

font-family is a CSS property that applies fonts and generic font families (prioritised by the order they are listed) to a given or selected element.

How to Apply global font to whole HTML document

I have a HTML page which includes some text and formatting. I want to make it have the same font-family …

html css font-family
font-family is inherit. How to find out the font-family in chrome developer pane?

In the Chrome's developer pane, I can see these css settings of an element. As far as I can see, …

css google-chrome font-family
How to use font-family lato?

How to use font-family lato ? I have used style like this but not working . How can I do ? Thank you. …

css font-family google-font-api
Apply Calibri (Body) font to text

I have a div and in this div I want to display some text in Calibri (Body) font. How can …

css html font-family
Applying Comic Sans Ms font style

How to write a CSS font style for the following text decoration: font-family: Comic Sans MS CSS rule doesn't work.

css font-family
How can I set the font-family & font-size inside of a div?

This is my complete test html: <!DOCTYPE> <html> <head> <title>DIV Font&…

html css font-size font-family
What is the default font family in Android?

Starting in API 16, Jellybean Roboto was introduced as available font family to use. See whats "new" in Android 16 here. Specifying …

android fonts font-family roboto
Setting CSS font-family to a safe handwriting font

In CSS, I usually go with the usual font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; For a little change, I'm going for a …

css font-family
Font Family Open Sans not being used

I am using Google's Open Sans Font in my application. I have defined the stylesheet as instructed: <link href=…

css fonts font-family
Wingdings font family does not seem to work on Firefox and Opera

I was using the Wingdings font in the CSS for some symbols like a pencil and a home icon. It …

html css firefox opera font-family