font-family is a CSS property that applies fonts and generic font families (prioritised by the order they are listed) to a given or selected element.
Since Arial black is buggy in firefox, is there a way to show it without embedding it with @font-face? https://…
css firefox bugzilla webfonts font-familyi want to change my font-family of a <span> tag into Opensans SemiboldItalic font. but i dont know …
html css font-familyI'm styling the pre HTML element via CSS like this: pre { font-family : "Franklin Gothic Medium","Arial Narrow Bold","Arial",sans-serif; } …
css firefox fonts font-face font-familyI discovered that the following HTML code does not work on Android (it will only use the default font: Droid …
android fonts font-face font-familyWhen HTML span has CSS font-family, I can't force it to use parent font-family Why span don't use parent font-family? …
html css font-familyI know ho to set custom font programmatically inside Android app. Is there any way to load typeface for custom …
android fonts typeface font-familyNo, like others, I don't want to use custom fonts. I am looking for list of WebView safe fonts that …
android fonts webview font-familyI am trying to use the "Open sans" font into my web page, and only in Firefox, I get this …
css firefox font-face font-familyI have an input box, and people type a font in and it saves what they type as a JPEG. …
c# loops fonts font-face font-familyI'm creating a WPF application. I have created a folder in my solution and I have some fonts in it. …
c# wpf font-family