Font loading error: downloadable font: kern: Too large subtable, table discarded

wawanopoulos picture wawanopoulos · Feb 4, 2016 · Viewed 12.8k times · Source

I am trying to use the "Open sans" font into my web page, and only in Firefox, I get this error in console:

downloadable font: kern: Too large subtable, table discarded

Here is the CSS:

@font-face {
    font-family: Open Sans;
    src: url(OpenSans-Semibold.ttf);


developthewebz picture developthewebz · Feb 4, 2016

I did some digging around and the issue seems to be with Open Sans subset itself.

This user ( seemed to run into the issue when they downloaded the font from Google Fonts. Try downloading it from Font Squirrel and see if that fixes it.