Top "Font-family" questions

font-family is a CSS property that applies fonts and generic font families (prioritised by the order they are listed) to a given or selected element.

How to import and use a custom font in a material-ui theme?

I'm trying to import and use the Yellowtail font (from Google Fonts) in my React app in a Material-UI theme. …

reactjs material-design material-ui typography font-family
Specifying a font with the font family using ImageMagick

Is it possible to render a font using the font family in ImageMagick? I have tried everything I can think …

php fonts imagemagick font-family
CSS Pixel/Computer like Font - Courier New for example

I would like to use a font like on the following picture. This …

html css fonts styles font-family
Get font name from FontFamily in WPF

I'm currently working on a little font organization/preview application for myself, however, I'm having a hard time getting the …

.net wpf fonts font-family
How does the font-family property work in CSS?

How does the font-family property work in CSS? Why is more than one font used? Isn't only one font used …

css font-family
CSS font-family of cmd.exe

I can't find any font-family in CSS, which is similar to the font-family used in the CMD.exe. Could you …

html css font-face font-family