Top "Contentpresenter" questions

What's the difference between ContentControl and ContentPresenter?

I'm not sure when I should use ContentPresenter instead of ContentControl (and vice-versa). At the moment, I'm using ContentControl pretty …

.net wpf contentcontrol contentpresenter
ContentPresenter in UserControl

I'm new to WPF and I'm trying to create an UserControl which will have some nested content. <my:InformationBox …

c# wpf xaml contentpresenter
WPF: template or UserControl with 2 (or more!) ContentPresenters to present content in 'slots'

I am developing LOB application, where I will need multiple dialog windows (and displaying everything in one window is not …

wpf user-controls contentpresenter
ContentPresenter within ControlTemplate cannot change attached dependency property

Why does the following simplified code not sets the font-size of the TextBlock to 50? <Window.Resources> <ControlTemplate …

wpf controltemplate contentpresenter
How do I Change the FontFamily on a ContentPresenter?

I have a custom template for an expander that is close to the code below. I had to change some …

wpf xaml contentpresenter font-family
Setting Datacontext on contentpresenter: Binding inside ContentTemplate is not working

I'm learning WPF and the MVVM Pattern and I'm trying to build a calendar-like view. So I currently have a …

wpf xaml datacontext contentpresenter
Custom WPF window style

I'm trying to make a custom window style. The goal is to create a template that migth be used by …

wpf xaml window contentpresenter
Changing content of Window (WPF)

I've created a simple WPF application which has two Windows. The user fills in some information on the first Window …

c# wpf contentpresenter
ListViewItem custom template: ContentPresenter stays empty

I have the following ListView in my code. views:GameCard is a custom UserControl and {Binding} is a valid DataContext …

wpf xaml templates listviewitem contentpresenter
ContentPresenter DataTemplate

I have a DataTemplate: <DataTemplate x:Key="myTemplate"> ... </DataTemplate> I want to use it as the …

wpf xaml datatemplate contentpresenter