Top "Fluentvalidation" questions

Fluent Validation is an ASP.

fluent validation collection items not null/empty

Im using fluent validation with mvc4 In my Model I have a list: public List<int> TransDrops { get; …

c# fluentvalidation
FluentValidation - Check value is a date only if NOT NULL

I have a bool along with a nullable DateTime property. The DateTime is only required if the bool is set …

datetime fluentvalidation
checking if parameter is one of 3 values with fluent validation

I have a class containing one string property: public class Bla { public string Parameter { get; set; } } I would like to …

c# fluentvalidation
How to validate Date in ClientSide using FluentValidation?

Question The below code is working fine Server side and not Client side. Why ? When I submit the form, control … fluentvalidation
How to validate a string as DateTime using FluentValidation

With FluentValidation, is it possible to validate a string as a parseable DateTime without having to specify a Custom() delegate? …

.net string datetime fluentvalidation fluentvalidation-2.0
Version conflict detected for Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common. Reference the package directly from the project to resolve this issue

I want to add the FluentValidation Nuget package in my core app through Nuget Package Manager.While adding … nuget-package fluentvalidation
Stop Fluent Validation on first failure

i'm defining a validation for my Request objects. I would like the validator to stop on the very first failure, …

validation servicestack fluentvalidation
Have FluentValidation call a function with multiple parameters

I am using FluentValidation for the server side validation. Now I have had it call a function before with Must …

c# .net validation fluentvalidation
Unit testing FluentValidation rules for classes with sub/child classes

Is it possible to write unit tests for fluentvalidation classes when the object we are validating has child classes that …

c# unit-testing fluentvalidation
How to use FluentValidation within c# application

I am building an application that has the following layers Data - Entity Framework Context Entities - Entity Framework POCO …

c# entity-framework business-logic fluentvalidation