Top "Fluentvalidation" questions

Fluent Validation is an ASP.

Custom message with fluent validation collection

I am using the SetCollectionValidator for a generic collection. My collection is a list of: public class Answer { public string …

c# fluentvalidation
FluentValidation : Compare value with other fields

I was referred to using FluentValidation for use in MVC5 C# ASP.NET. I am trying to compare a field … fluentvalidation
Fluent Validation ensuring a list has at least one item with property value of somevalue

Assume I have the following viewmodel: public class TaskViewModel{ public MTask Task {get;set;} public List<DocIdentifier> Documents {… fluentvalidation
Multiple Dependent Rules FluentValidation

Just started using this awesome api, I am facing some issue with multiple DependentRules. I had rules like this RuleFor(…

c# .net-core fluentvalidation
FluentValidation Autofac ValidatorFactory

I need to be able to provide the IComponentContext to my ValidatorFactory to resolve FluentValidation Validators. I am a little … autofac fluentvalidation
Fluent Validation in MVC - Database Validations

I'm using the Fluent Validation framework in my MVC 3 project. So far all of my validations have been … fluentvalidation