Fluent Validation is an ASP.
I have the following view in ASP.net MVC 3: @model Models.CreateProjectViewModel <script type="text/javascript" src="@Url.Content("~/…
asp.net-mvc asp.net-mvc-3 unobtrusive-validation fluentvalidation asp.net-mvc-validationIn MVC, I can create a Model Validator which can take Dependencies. I normally use FluentValidation for this. This allows …
c# dependency-injection asp.net-web-api fluentvalidationI am using FluentValidation with a login form. The email address field is Required and Must be a valid email …
c# validation refactoring fluentvalidationI am currently using Fluent Validation instead of Data Annotations for my Web api and using swagger for API documentation. …
asp.net-core swagger fluentvalidationI have a class with a complex property: public class A { public B Prop { get; set; } } public class B { public …
asp.net validation fluentvalidationI got the erorr: Validation type names in unobtrusive client validation rules must be unique. The following validation type was …
jquery c#-4.0 asp.net-mvc-3 fluentvalidationI am using a library that uses out parameters in a function and I need to test my code using …
c# unit-testing mocking moq fluentvalidationI tried to use GreaterThen validator and it looks like it doesn't support client-side validation. Is there a list of …
asp.net-mvc fluentvalidationReally new to C#, ASP.NET MVC and FluentValidation. i have a user model like: public class UserDetails{ public int …
c# asp.net-mvc validation generics fluentvalidationI am able to register FluentValidation AbstractValidators using a FluentValidatorFactory. However, it doesn't feel right, because not all of the …
dependency-injection fluentvalidation fluentvalidation-2.0 open-generics simple-injector