Top "Fluentvalidation-2.0" questions

Regular Expression Validator does not validate empty textbox

I would like to validate the textbox for specific text and it must not be blank. But the regular expression … regex validation fluentvalidation fluentvalidation-2.0
How to validate a string as DateTime using FluentValidation

With FluentValidation, is it possible to validate a string as a parseable DateTime without having to specify a Custom() delegate? …

.net string datetime fluentvalidation fluentvalidation-2.0
Why use fluentvalidation instead of ASP.NET MVC validation

In which circumstances would you choose FluentValidation (FV) over the ASP.NET MVC 3 way? What are the advantages of FV …

validation fluentvalidation-2.0
What is the correct way to register FluentValidation with SimpleInjector?

I am able to register FluentValidation AbstractValidators using a FluentValidatorFactory. However, it doesn't feel right, because not all of the …

dependency-injection fluentvalidation fluentvalidation-2.0 open-generics simple-injector