Top "Fluentvalidation" questions

Fluent Validation is an ASP.

How to validate only 7 digit number?

I'm using mvc. So I want to validate user input number is 7 digit. So I wrote a class. public class …

c# fluentvalidation
Using FluentValidation's WithMessage method with a list of named parameters

I am using FluentValidation and I want to format a message with some of the object's properties value. The problem …

c# .net linq fluentvalidation func
How to hook FluentValidator to a Web API?

I'm trying to hook Fluent Validation to my MVC WEB Api project, and it doesn't wanna work. When I use …

c# fluentvalidation
FluentValidation validate Enum value

I have the following model: public class ViewDataItem { public string viewName { get; set; } public UpdateIndicator updateIndicator { get; set; } } With the …

c# json enums fluentvalidation
FluentValidation unique name validation using database

I have Category model that has Name field, and every category name must be unique. I have made validation and …

c# fluentvalidation
C# FluentValidation for a hierarchy of classes

I have a hierarchy of data classes public class Base { // Fields to be validated } public class Derived1 : Base { // More fields …

c# fluentvalidation
Use custom validation responses with fluent validation

Hello I am trying to get custom validation response for my webApi using .NET Core. Here I want to have …

c# .net fluentvalidation
Pass an element of the object to a FluentValidation SetValidator's constructor

I'm using FluentValidation to validate a collection inside of an object, comparing an element of the collection items to an …

c# lambda fluentvalidation
FluentValidation Call RuleSet and Common Rules

I have the following class public class ValidProjectHeader : AbstractValidator<Projects.ProjectHeader> { public ValidProjectHeader() { RuleFor(x => x.LobId).…

c# fluentvalidation
FluentValidation how to check for Length if string is not null?

I'm testing a PUT with two string: company.CurrencyCode = request.CurrencyCode ?? company.CurrencyCode; company.CountryIso2 = request.Country ?? company.CountryIso2; and …

c# fluentvalidation