Top "Fiddler" questions

Fiddler (aka "Fiddler classic") is a .net based web debugging proxy, which allows you to log, examine, modify and replay HTTP/HTTPS traffic from your computer.

How to view WS/WSS Websocket request content using Firebug or other?

Is there a way to view the Websocket traffic? Only Websocket headers are visible on the initial handshake. Everything disappears …

firebug websocket fiddler
check POST request with Fiddler

How can I use Fiddler to check the response from a web server. I could easily check the GET method …

http-post fiddler
Fiddler - tunnelled http requests to port 443

I've got Fiddler to decrypt https traffic. which works just fine. But there …

WCF - Inspect the messages being sent/received?

I have 2 solutions: - Server Solution - Client Solution The server registers itself to my localhost IIS: http://localhost/MyApp/ …

wcf soap client-server fiddler
How to use Fiddler to debug traffic from Any app (eg. C#/WPF app)

I am tring to debug whats wrong with my HTTP requests from another question here on SO. So i read …

c# wpf httpwebrequest webclient fiddler
How to modify a request in Fiddler?

I'm looking for a simple way to intercept a web request and modify the contents of the request (mainly POSTs) …

post http-post fiddler http-post-vars
How to compose request for REST web method in fiddler

I am able to call web serivce but name property is not binding. Fiddler request POST http://localhost:50399/api/custservice/ …

web-services rest servicestack fiddler
How to use NGINX as forward proxy for any requested location?

I am trying to configure NGINX as a forward proxy to replace Fiddler which we are using as a forward …

nginx proxy reverse-proxy fiddler
Fiddler causes my Internet access to stop working

I have Windows 8.1 installed on my computer and regularly use Fiddler to capture web traffic. Recently, however, when I open …

internet-explorer google-chrome fiddler