How to view WS/WSS Websocket request content using Firebug or other?

Stevko picture Stevko · Feb 10, 2012 · Viewed 77.4k times · Source

Is there a way to view the Websocket traffic?

Only Websocket headers are visible on the initial handshake.

Everything disappears after the response:

Connection  Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept    EQqklpK6bzlgAAOL2EFX/nx8bEI=
Upgrade WebSocket

I've tried Firebug, Live Headers, and Fiddler2 to trace the exchange and they all stop logging there.


Daniel Shields picture Daniel Shields · Sep 6, 2012

Try Chrome's developer tools,

  1. click 'Network' tab
  2. use the filters at the bottom to show only WebSocket connections),
  3. select the desired websocket connection,
  4. note that there are 'Headers', 'Preview', 'Response', etc. sub-tabs to the right,
  5. once data starts flowing a 'WebSocket Frames' subtab will appear. All data going in either direction is logged. Very informative.