Fiddler (aka "Fiddler classic") is a .net based web debugging proxy, which allows you to log, examine, modify and replay HTTP/HTTPS traffic from your computer.
This is probably the weirdest problem I have run into. I have a piece of code to submit POST to …
c# httpwebrequest fiddlerDoes anyone know how to set up fiddler to monitor/sniff traffic from bluestacks? I've seen others mentioning that it …
android fiddler sniffing bluestacksI am able to tamper post request parameter with Tamper Data in firefox i.e when i make post request …
http web-applications httpwebrequest fiddler tamperingI want to capture data that my web application sends and receives from a CAS server via HTTPS. I tried …
java capture fiddlerWe're in the process of replacing an old (5+ years) Windows service application built with VS2005 that makes an HTTP GET …
c# fiddlerI've just started looking into Win Phone 8.1 and playing with proxying some data via Fiddler from the emulator but it …
windows-phone-8 fiddler windows-phone-8-emulatorIs there a way to convert wireshark .pcap files to a format that fiddler understands? Every so often we get …
fiddler wiresharkI am looking for tools that can be used for debugging web applications.I have narrowed my search to the …
http fiddler httpwatch