Top "Fiddler" questions

Fiddler (aka "Fiddler classic") is a .net based web debugging proxy, which allows you to log, examine, modify and replay HTTP/HTTPS traffic from your computer.

How to POST XML into MVC Controller? (instead of key/value)

Using Fiddler I can pass in the body someXml=ThisShouldBeXml and then in the controller [HttpPost] public ActionResult Test(object …

xml fiddler
Ajax post being aborted by firefox (not seen in Chrome or IE)

When using firefox, an ajax post request i have is being reported as aborted in firebug. The ajax post works …

ajax firefox post fiddler
Show request's timestamp in Fiddler?

I received a long Fiddler trace (with a complicated scenario) and need to correlate the requests with application logs. Unfortunately, …

javascript fiddler
How to sniff HTTPS traffic from Android emulator to remote server ?

I want to monitor HTTPS traffic from my application to remote server. I am trying to follow this instruction and …

android fiddler sniffer
Using Fiddler to check IIS Compression

How do I see if IIS Compression is working using Fiddler? I have a page that, when viewed through Port80…

What does 'Accept: */*' mean under Client section of Request Headers?

I was comparing headers of same HTTP Post request for Firefox and Internet Explorer and I see that for IE. …

html http fiddler
Injecting JavaScript into head element of website using Fiddler

I was thinking of using Fiddler for the following purpose... I have a JavaScript based service I want to demonstrate …

javascript fiddler
fiddler HTTPMethod (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE...) Column

Is there an easy way to add an HTTPMethod (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE...) column to the fiddler display? Found these …

http fiddler
How to reset filters in Fiddler?

I am trying to set up some filters in Fiddler and I do not know how to reset them, if …

How to capture http messages from Request Node library with Fiddler

Regular client initiated requests to the node server are captured fine in Fiddler. However, requests sent from node to a …

node.js fiddler