Fiddler causes my Internet access to stop working

user1763965 picture user1763965 · Oct 24, 2013 · Viewed 52.8k times · Source

I have Windows 8.1 installed on my computer and regularly use Fiddler to capture web traffic.

Recently, however, when I open Fiddler and have it capture web traffic, my Internet connectivity dies. The error I get when I open IE is "This page cannot be displayed." In Chrome, I get "The web page is not available" with the following error: Error code: ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.

Fiddler doesn't even capture any of the requests going out. The weird thing is, this problem randomly starts, but then in an hour or two, it's fine. I don't restart Fiddler; it just suddenly starts working again.

I tried following the steps in Fiddler and Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1, but that didn't help.

Why is Fiddler having this problem, and how can I fix it?


user4417767 picture user4417767 · Feb 21, 2015

Go to Tools -> Internet options -> Connections -> LAN Settings, and then untick 'use a proxy server' for your LAN, and tick 'automatically detect settings'.