Top "Facebook-messenger" questions

Facebook Messenger is an instant messaging service and software application which provides text and voice communication.

Facebook Ads page_welcome_message invalid for ads with Messenger as destination

trying to run a 'Traffic' ad to a Facebook Messenger bot. In order to initiate the bot conversation I need …

facebook facebook-messenger facebook-ads-api
"Payload" option on Facebook Bots buttons

Facebook Send API mentions a "payload" type you can set for buttons on the Generic Response Template. However, they don't …

facebook bots facebook-messenger
Get users current location from Facebook messenger Chatbot api

I am working on fb messenger bot and I want to access user's current location without them sending it as …

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-messenger facebook-chatbot
Facebook messenger API bot : "Typing bubble" " indicator bubble"

I've created a messenger bot, and some action that I perform can take some time. So in order to make …

api bots facebook-messenger
Facebook Messenger API : An active access token must be used to query information about the current user

I'm following the development guide here: I've setup my server and the webhooks. …

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-messenger
Message size limit for Facebook messenger bot

I am trying to implement a Facebook messenger bot. I have trouble with the bot replying with a response that …

facebook bots messenger facebook-messenger
How to send facebook message from linux console (command-line)

Old days many admins use sms-gates for sending important informations from their systems e.g. "Power down, UPS is working …

linux facebook bash command-line facebook-messenger
"Get Started" button does not appear in welcome screen for FB Messenger bot

I followed the solution in this thread and it is still not working how to setup "Get started" button in …

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-messenger facebook-chatbot
Facebook Messenger API: Webviews Opening in Browser

I'm trying to use the Facebook Messenger API to create a "generic" message with a button. When that button is …

facebook-messenger facebook-messages
Facebook Messenger Bot verification

I submitted my facebook messenger bot for app review and the rejection reason was "received no response". I've tested my …

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-messenger facebook-messages