Facebook messenger API bot : "Typing bubble" " indicator bubble"

Henri Chabrand picture Henri Chabrand · Apr 27, 2016 · Viewed 11.9k times · Source

I've created a messenger bot, and some action that I perform can take some time. So in order to make the user wait I would like to display the "Indicator Bubble" (the one you see when the people you talk with are typing):

Typing bubble

Enter image description here

It is not defined in the Messenger API documentation how to do it, but it seems possible has they perform it when you hit "callBack" on their card.

How can I simulate this?


Spope picture Spope · Jul 13, 2016

It's now available into the messenger bot API via the Sender Action. You can find the documentation here.

It's just a post with an on or off value to display / hide the bubble indicator.

    "sender_action":"typing_on" // typing_off