Facebook Ads page_welcome_message invalid for ads with Messenger as destination

Patrick Kirchgaessner picture Patrick Kirchgaessner · May 24, 2017 · Viewed 12.8k times · Source

trying to run a 'Traffic' ad to a Facebook Messenger bot. In order to initiate the bot conversation I need to use the 'Get Started' button as part of the messenger ad conversation and therefore need to use the "Structured Message (JSON)" option. I cannot submit the ad since it always fails with this error

"Invalid Page Welcome Message for Messenger Destination Ads: The Message Text (page_welcome_message) is invalid for ads with Messenger as destination."

It's unclear what "page_welcome_message" is and where to set it.

I tried researching the FB community and tried to reach out but to no avail - although I did find other people with the same issue.


Patrick Kirchgaessner picture Patrick Kirchgaessner · May 24, 2017

Turns out that the JSON that Facebook creates using the "Quick Creation" feature is causing the issue. With a manually created JSON, I'm able to submit the ad successfully.