Top "Facebook-messenger" questions

Facebook Messenger is an instant messaging service and software application which provides text and voice communication.

Python requests response encoded in utf-8 but cannot be decoded

I am trying to scrape my (facebook messenger) chats using python and i have used google chromes developer …

python post request facebook-messenger
How to send location from Facebook messenger platform?

There is a way to send my location to facebook-messenger from a mobile client, but how can I send some …

facebook-messenger messenger facebook-chatbot
Firebase signInWithPopup gives auth/popup-blocked when used via built-in browser in mobile device

Problem: When used via 3rd-party app built-in browser (e.g. LINE, Twitter or Facebook messenger), the signInWithPopup returns auth/popup-blocked. …

firebase facebook-messenger
How to link Facebook App User Id with Messenger Id for use with Facebook Messenger Bot

I have a Facebook app that users log in to with a mobile app, using a Facebook login button. That …

facebook facebook-messenger
How to test Messenger Bots offline? Local webhooks

I'm starting with Messenger Platform API. I want to make simple Messenger Chatbot. Here is tutorial I follow. As you …

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-apps chatbot facebook-messenger
How to fix CSP issues with facebook messenger-checkbox

I'm trying to make facebook messenger checkbox work, I've added the following code to my html But whenever I refresh …

facebook facebook-javascript-sdk facebook-messenger facebook-messenger-bot

I'm trying to setup the Facebook messenger API and I'm getting this error when I attempt to add the WebHook: …

node.js facebook ssl webhooks facebook-messenger
Messenger Bot: how to get id, name and user's profile picture url?

I have Messenger Bot and want to do this action. User click Button Template(URL) . Messenger opens new tab On …

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-messenger messenger
How does Facebook Messenger connect with Bot Engine?

In Facebook's documentation they refer to Bot Engine, but I can't find anywhere online where its explained how …

bots facebook-messenger
API authentication from a facebook messenger bot conversation

What is the best way to authenticate with an external API from a conversation with a bot on the facebook …

facebook authentication bots facebook-messenger facebook-messenger-bot