Python requests response encoded in utf-8 but cannot be decoded

Taako picture Taako · Apr 7, 2018 · Viewed 9.8k times · Source

I am trying to scrape my (facebook messenger) chats using python and i have used google chromes developer tools to see the POST request for the chat history and i have copied the entire header and body into a format that requests can use.

I get HTTP code 200 implying the request at least got something but and i can print res.encoding to get the encoding it returned in which it says is utf-8. But i cannot decode it!

here is the function:

def download_thread(self, limit, offset, message_timestamp):
    """Download the specified number of messages from the
    provided thread, with an optional offset
    data = request_data(self.thread, offset=offset,

    res =, data=data, headers=headers)


    thread_contents = json.loads(res.content)
    return thread_contents


UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x87 in position 0: invalid start byte

when it attempts to json.load (or loads) the data

But res.encoding does return utf-8.

I tried unzipping with gzip but that says it is is not gzipped content.

If i just try to do print(res.content) i get

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 200, in <module>
  File "", line 134, in main
0f\x82\x048\xbb\xb9=\x87\xebK0.\xff\x90\xdd\xeb\xfa\x16\xc6\xbbz\x8b\x82)\xe8\xaaV\x01^\xda\x8b\xbd\x15d-\xb1\x10@\x17\\\xd43\xa8\x92w\xe8\xc0\xcdU\xc4\xff\xc7\xfa\x90\xb2\xb3\xf5\x84\x11u\x0b\t\x8f\x83r\xf3}\xe5!y$\xe6\xf6c0\xf0\xb4\x98\xcat_\x0c\x08\xb5\xdd\x8ctx\x91\xa9\x95\rB%\xe2\x93\xa52\x85_\xa6\x10\xc2\xc9\xa3\xee4SDb\xa5\x18QJ\x83X\x19)\xaa$\xf4\xb4\xb7\x0b\x84\x15&\x88\x08L\xc9iP\xa2\xb9\xf2\xaf\x96\x96N\xd8\xcf=\x05\xc1\x18\x8d\xa0\xf2Y\x8e\n\xcf\xc8\x0fE4\xd6)\xa1\xd4\xb7D\xd6{i\xc8P\x96R\x11HC\xac\xbcKyT#~}\x93\xf7@K\xc7r/\x82\xb0\xe4\xefX\xf9j\x08\xa6Hp\xfcn\x06\xfdo\x9a\xd0wJ\xb4fJ(\x89+\x1c\xf6\x0eOI\x90\xac\x9eDD\xfd,\xa5\xe9\x89\x1blh\x86Z\x98\x05\xdd9\xc7\xf4\x80\xfcY\x8e\xad\xee\x99!\x15\x13+\x9b\x07\xe8Fdj\xfc\x11\xfc\xfe7\x06h\x02\x00@>]W\x92\xc9\x02\xb1c3\x82\xcd\xa4\xefN9\x90\xe6\x81y\x9c\x84er\xd4\xc3\x06\x1c\x06\x14\xcf\xc7\x07hj\xbfH\xdc\xf5~\xf7z\x18Ce\xaf^\x8c\xab \xdfV\xce\xb8\x11\xf8\x06\x03'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 200, in <module>
  File "", line 134, in main
  File "", line 43, in run
    thread_contents = self.download_thread(limit, offset, message_timestamp)
  File "", line 74, in download_thread
    thread_contents = json.loads(res.content)
  File "/Users/silman/anaconda/lib/python3.6/json/", line 349, in loads
    s = s.decode(detect_encoding(s), 'surrogatepass')
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x87 in position 0: invalid start byte

oddly printing the content in the middle of the traceback leading me to think there are some invisible characters pushing it down.

I am unable to get the response loaded into a json format because no matter how i handle the response content it isn't properly formatted for json library to interpret.

Moreover if i just do print(res.text) i get garbage:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 200, in <module>
  File "", line 134, in main
}sP���c���f�u0���\� QZed�C��� M$x�Ҹ�H�����eǘ�]���5���^�*�ӄaM�Y��b���/ڶ�JW/���>H6z�\��l4����t=i��%Ҳu�x��%�x�
       F    <���{1i�#%;�rɲ=Rχm��1B�Z(+�(S-���#��\v�{b��
                                                           �    f/V�i̴��_��83�  �_����*��O��
                                                                                            ������Z��i-�TVeaG54�!v�a?ǯ|gu-g��.���"J$�L`&�tΊ#s)�H����s���q���^׷0��[)���j�ॽ�T���U���J�ЁwW���!eg�#j ��r��$y���3�4��4.��M�@Kb�AX�SDb�QJ�X)�,���a�   "Sp�h�����sOA0Vé|�������:%�rKdKC���@ M��.�^
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                                        nras��L�/��ch@>]W���c3�ͤ�N9��y��er����hj�H��~�zCe�^�� �Vθ�

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 200, in <module>
  File "", line 134, in main
  File "", line 43, in run
    thread_contents = self.download_thread(limit, offset, message_timestamp)
  File "", line 74, in download_thread
    thread_contents = json.loads(res.content)
  File "/Users/silman/anaconda/lib/python3.6/json/", line 349, in loads
    s = s.decode(detect_encoding(s), 'surrogatepass')
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x87 in position 0: invalid start byte


MWE as best i can, not sure what data from my post request is private so i left some out

using this data

url_thread = ""

request_data = {
  "batch_name": "MessengerGraphQLThreadFetcher",
  "__user": "<user_id>",
  "__a": "1",
  "__dyn": "<dyn>",
  "__req": "9",
  '__be'      : '-1',
  '__pc'      : 'PHASED:messengerdotcom_pkg',
  "fb_dtsg": "AQFni7TU2nes:AQGSC8FSDqyw",
  "ttstamp": "265817254666710077746711957586581715370521181008510710777",
  "__rev": "3791607",
  "jazoest": "<jazoest>",
  "queries": '<queries>'

headers = {
  "authority": "",
  "method": "POST",
  "path": "/api/graphqlbatch/",
  "scheme": "https",
  "accept": "*/*",
  "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
  "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
  "cache-control": "no-cache",
  "content-length": "754",
  "content-type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  "cookie": "<cookies>",
  "origin": "",
  "pragma": "no-cache",
  "referer": "<chatID>",
  "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36"

You can get all the <items> by using chrome developer tools and lookng on the network tab for a POST request to Request URL:

Its easy to find if you scroll up to reload old messages while chrome dev tools is recording.

Then put together a simple request with python

import requests as rq
import time

ses = rq.Session()
thread = <ID of thread found in URL of>

conversation_type = <'thread_fbids' if group chat else 'user_ids'>

data = request_data
data['messages[{}][{}][offset]'.format(conversation_type, thread)] = 0
data['messages[{}][{}][timestamp]'.format(conversation_type, thread)] = int(time.time())
data['messages[{}][{}][limit]'.format(conversation_type, thread)] = 2000

res =, data=data, headers=headers)

thread_contents = json.loads(res.content)

As what my dev tools got back you can see the start of the json here


abarnert picture abarnert · Apr 7, 2018

The problem is this line in your request headers:

"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",

That br requests Brotli compression, a new-ish compression standard (see RFC 7932) that Google is pushing to replace gzip on the web. Chrome is asking for Brotli because recent versions of Chrome understand it natively. You're asking for Brotli because you copied the headers from Chrome. But requests doesn't understand Brotli natively.

You can pip install brotli and register the decompresser or just call it manually on res.content. But a simpler solution is to just remove the br:

"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",

… and then you should get gzip, which you and requests already know how to handle.