Top "Facebook-messenger-bot" questions

All questions related to chatbot development on the Facebook Messenger platform.

creating a link that will open facebook messenger and send a message

i'm creating a registration code for users to a facebook messenger bot i am writing. instead of asking them to …

facebook-messenger facebook-messenger-bot facebook-messages
How to fix CSP issues with facebook messenger-checkbox

I'm trying to make facebook messenger checkbox work, I've added the following code to my html But whenever I refresh …

facebook facebook-javascript-sdk facebook-messenger facebook-messenger-bot
API authentication from a facebook messenger bot conversation

What is the best way to authenticate with an external API from a conversation with a bot on the facebook …

facebook authentication bots facebook-messenger facebook-messenger-bot
Facebook messenger app webhook subscription - Insufficient Permission

I have facebook messenger application (it is bot using MS Bot Framework, although I don't think it is relevant). It …

facebook facebook-messenger messenger facebook-messenger-bot facebook-webhooks