Top "Facebook-messenger" questions

Facebook Messenger is an instant messaging service and software application which provides text and voice communication.

Facebook Messenger API pages_messaging permission

I am creating an application where I need a user to be able to grant us access to their facebook …

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url to open facebook messenger app if installed, else open web messenger

I am looking for a single url to open facebook messenger chat session across different devices: On mobile, if fb …

facebook facebook-messenger
Facebook Messenger API:how to break line in a message

In Facebook Messenger chat,we can break a line by press "SHIFT+ENTER". So how to break line by Facebook …

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-messenger
How do I change facebook messenger bot webhook?

I have successfully implemented a facebook bot. It's working fine. I was trying to change the webhook url now as …

facebook webhooks facebook-messenger
Facebook Messenger Chatbot how do I collect the users geo location that they send?

In Facebook Messenger there is an icon allowing the user to send their geo coordinates. Is this available on the …

facebook facebook-php-sdk facebook-messenger
Facebook Chat bot (PHP webhook) sending multiple replies

My Facebook chat bot is working but it's sending back multiple messages after my initial message to it. This is …

facebook-graph-api webhooks facebook-messenger facebook-chatbot
facebook customer chat messenger positioning

So i've installed the facebook customer chat messenger plugin on my website and it works fine, but i need to …

facebook facebook-messenger facebook-customer-chat
I am getting message: '(#100) No matching user found', when using the facebook messenger bot sample tutorial code

When using the same Facebook getting started guide ( I am getting an error …

node.js facebook facebook-graph-api bots facebook-messenger
Facebook Messenger Bot - How to disable bot and allow human to chat

so this is something I've been trying to think through for about 16 hours. I am coding with PHP / CuRl / etc …

facebook messenger facebook-messenger
Facebook Messenger Platform. Setting up webhook with SSL

Finally Facebook launched API for their messenger API for their messenger. This will allow us to create chat bots. In …

facebook ssl facebook-messenger