Facebook Messenger Platform. Setting up webhook with SSL

Mr.D picture Mr.D · Apr 13, 2016 · Viewed 12.8k times · Source

Finally Facebook launched API for their messenger API for their messenger. This will allow us to create chat bots.

In getting started guide, I need to setup webhook. This requires webserver which resides in specific domain and must use SSL connection.

I have VPS which has static IP. I made self signed certificate and created simple Node JS web server which uses this certificate. First of all I need to verify token for webhook:

app.get('/webhook/', function (req, res) {
  if (req.query['hub.verify_token'] === '<validation_token>') {
  res.send('Error, wrong validation token');

Then I launched this server application and In my facebook app dashboard I click to Verify and Save button.

It throws me this error message:


This means that Facebook does not want to accept my self signed certificate.

This brings a several questions:

Do I need to use SSL certificates only provided by Certificate Authorities in order to work with facebook messenger?

Working with Facebook messenger is far more difficult than Telegram.


ndrx42 picture ndrx42 · Apr 13, 2016

For just test you can use localtunnel. https://localtunnel.me/