Top "Exe" questions

EXE is a common filename extension for an executable file (a program) in Microsoft Windows and other operating systems (e.g. DOS, OpenVMS, Symbian, and OS/2).

how to change file & product version of a exe file

I am using Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express. I have to change the version of my exe file. Please tell me …

c# visual-studio-2010 version exe
How to use NSSM

This is probably glaringly obvious, but how do I "install" NSSM? according to the docs, I don't need to. If …

windows service windows-8 exe nssm
How to detect what was the PE packer used on the given exe?

I've found an application which seems to be packed. I opened it with some hex editor and it contains "UPX1" …

winapi exe upx
Application process will not close

I have a WPF application, after closing the app its process app.exe *32 is still running in the processes list …

c# wpf process exe
Pyinstaller - ImportError: No system module 'pywintypes' (pywintypes27.dll)

I am trying to package my python script into an executable. I thought I would be pretty straight forward as …

python exe pyinstaller
Closing form from another thread

I have got this code which runs an .exe string openEXE = @"C:\Users\marek\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\tours\tours\…

c# multithreading winforms exe
Pyinstaller: generate -exe file + folder (in --onefile mode)

Now i'm working with Pyinstaller. I have an script which get images from a img folder.. /python |----/img |----|…

python user-interface exe pyinstaller packaging
How to check if an executable or DLL is build in Release or Debug mode (C++)

I need to find the mode EXE/DLL was build looking at its headers. (Using C++ only without any external …

c++ dll exe debug-symbols portable-executable
How to check if a file is signed in C#?

I'm writing a program that need to load a few other files. is there a way to check if those …

c# dll exe sign