Top "Exe" questions

EXE is a common filename extension for an executable file (a program) in Microsoft Windows and other operating systems (e.g. DOS, OpenVMS, Symbian, and OS/2).

RegEdit to run an .exe at startup as administrator

I have a program which I wrote in Java using Eclipse and then put into a .jar file. Then, I …

windows-7 exe startup administrator regedit
How to include all dll's in exe?

I have a Visual Studio 12 project; source code written in C++; it's an OpenCV project. I want to give my …

c++ opencv visual-studio-2012 dll exe
Powershell script not recognizing my function

I have a powershell script that parses a file and send an email if it detects a certain pattern. I …

powershell service exe
How to create standalone executable file from python 3.5 scripts?

Most of the programs available only support upto python version 3.4.

python exe python-3.5
Run exe which is packaged inside jar file

I am executing an exe through my java program. The path is hardcoded in Java. I have packaged my the …

java jar exe
Create a standalone exe without the need to install .NET framework

I'm a student and at the moment i'm doing an internship at a company. This internship is about analysing a …

c# visual-studio-2010 exe .net-framework-version
Alternative to "Allow service to interact with desktop"?

I have a windows service (C#) installed on a server that launches every 10 minutes an executable file (C#) to process …

c# windows-services exe
How to write and executable Windows .exe manually (machine code with Hex editor)?

I'd like to know how is it possible to write something as simple as an Hello World program just by …

windows exe executable machine-code
Is it possible to know in what language an exe file is written?

I have an exe file and I decompiled it with Ida. I was told the program coded in Delphi, so …

programming-languages exe decompiler
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: unable to load the file system codec. ImportError: No module named 'encodings'

I am trying to make simple python program that is opening list of webpages for a user to manually download …

python encoding exe splinter