Top "Exe" questions

EXE is a common filename extension for an executable file (a program) in Microsoft Windows and other operating systems (e.g. DOS, OpenVMS, Symbian, and OS/2).

Executing .exe from Visual Basic 6

I'm new to visual basic. I'm trying to execute .exe file from VB. But I'm not getting the output. My .…

vb6 exe shellexecute
How to use ilMerge to merge dll into an exe file?

Possible Duplicate: Merging .dll with .exe Okay, so... I have all the files of ilmerge, along with the .exe (CabalMain.…

dll merge cmd exe ilmerge
Finding my main executable's path using Assembly vs AppDomain

I'm a .NET user, and my goal is as simple as finding the absolute path of the directory of my …

.net path directory exe
Can you decompile a game down to its original source code?

I use Battlefield 4 just as an example, this can go for any game really. I've been wondering if something like …

windows exe decompiler
Debug c++ dll in C#

I have a .dll from c++ and I want to debug it in C#, but I don't know how to. …

c# c++ debugging dll exe
Build Multiple .py files into a single executable file using pyinstaller

I have made a small pyqt application of 5 and 6 .py files.Now I want to build them and compiled them …

python pyqt5 exe pyinstaller
Compile ruby script into exe?

Is it possible to compile a ruby script into an .exe on Windows? I have searched everywhere and I've tried …

ruby compilation exe watir
Process.Start() not starting the .exe file (works when run manually)

I have an .exe file that needs to be run after I create a file. The file is successfully created …

c# exe explorer process.start
Hide the console of an .exe file created with PyInstaller

I want to make my program executable. I used TkInter to write the GUI, and I read somewhere that you …

python tkinter exe
How to run exe files in NSIS Script?

In InnoSetup, there is a part called run which will execute the exe, batch file and msi. We can also …

exe nsis