Top "Exe" questions

EXE is a common filename extension for an executable file (a program) in Microsoft Windows and other operating systems (e.g. DOS, OpenVMS, Symbian, and OS/2).

appending data to an exe

This question extensions from one of the answers to my earlier question: how to save user registration in the exe... (…

exe portable-executable
After creating python exe file with cx_freeze the file doesn't do anything

I recently created used cx_freeze to create a python 3.2.2 exe file. When I tried to run the exe file …

python exe cx-freeze
make .exe file out of Visual Studio uwp .appx file

I have an uwp-app, designed with Visual Studio 2015 for windows 10 (multi-touch, etc.), but it must NOT be released via Windows …

visual-studio-2015 uwp exe appx
How to run .exe from C#

I am developing wpf application in C#. I am using grib files in my application. I want to convert this …

c# wpf exe process.start
Converting .exe project to class library

I have a semi-large C# .exe project in visual studio 2010 Ultimate, and I would like to convert it to a …

c# visual-studio-2010 dll exe
HTML hyperlink to call exe with parameters

-Hello, looking for some help. We currently have a winform app used to do approvals in our company. The app …

html email href exe
How to read / write .exe machine code manually?

I am not well acquainted to the compiler magic. The act of transforming human-readable code (or the not really readable …

windows winapi operating-system exe executable
Compile Python 3.6 script to standalone exe with Nuitka on Windows 10

Note: Before marking this question as duplicate, please verify that the other question answers the topic for this setup: OS: …

python windows-10 exe python-3.6 nuitka
How do I bundle a JRE in my JAR, so that it can run on systems without Java?

I want to bundle a JRE inside my executable JAR, so that the exe can run on any system. I …

java bundle exe packaging maven-shade-plugin
Embed icon in python script

Does anybody know a way to embed an icon in a Python script such that when I create my standalone …

python icons tkinter exe pyinstaller