Top "Cx-freeze" questions

cx_Freeze is a set of scripts and modules for freezing Python scripts (.py) into executable files for Windows (.exe), Mac OS (.app), or Linux.

How do I use cx_freeze?

I've created my file as instructed but I don't actually.. understand what to do next. Typing "python setup.…

python cx-freeze
python: Can I run a python script without actually installing python?

I have some .py files I wrote that I want to run on a different machine. The target machine does …

python executable py2exe cx-freeze
How to convert python .py file into an executable file for use cross platform?

I've been searching through SO for a while now trying to come up with an answer to this but due …

python exe py2exe cx-freeze pyinstaller
KeyError: 'TCL_Library' when I use cx_Freeze

When I use cx_Freeze I get a keyerror KeyError: 'TCL_Library'while building my pygame program. Why do I get …

python python-3.x cx-freeze
How can I bundle other files when using cx_freeze?

I'm using Python 2.6 and cx_Freeze 4.1.2 on a Windows system. I've created the to build my executable and …

python distutils cx-freeze
Converting tkinter to exe

Currently I'm trying to convert my tkinter python script to a exe file. I'm using cx_freeze to do this. …

python-3.x tkinter cx-freeze
NameError: name 'exit' is not defined

I used cxfreeze to create a Windows executable from It seemed to work ok, but when I run …

python cx-freeze
importError: no module named _winreg python3

Where can I download _winreg for python3 if I can at all. I have my 'windir' on E:\Windows. I …

python cx-freeze winreg
Why am I getting a "no module named cx_Freeze" error after installing cx_freeze?

I am trying to compile a python program and I am using python 3.2. So I downloaded cx_freeze and installed …

python windows cx-freeze
ImportError: cannot import name MAXREPEAT with cx_Freeze

I'm running into an issue with cx_Freeze when running a frozen application (works fine unfrozen). When running the program …

python python-2.7 cx-freeze