Top "Cx-freeze" questions

cx_Freeze is a set of scripts and modules for freezing Python scripts (.py) into executable files for Windows (.exe), Mac OS (.app), or Linux.

Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll on python executable

I'm trying to create an executable python program that runs on windows without python being installed, for this I'm using …

python numpy matplotlib cx-freeze intel-mkl
Compiling Cx-Freeze under Ubuntu

For the entire day I have been attempting to compile cx-Freeze under Ubuntu 14.04 and had no luck. So I gave …

python linux ubuntu executable cx-freeze
zipimport.ZipImportError: can't decompress data; zlib not available

I would like to use cx_freeze to change my into exe file. When I run cxfreeze …

python python-3.x py2exe cx-freeze
cx_freeze - including my own modules?

I have a small application built with PyQt4 that I'm trying to freeze with cx_freeze, but I'm running into …

python py2exe importerror cx-freeze
py2exe doesn't find all dependencies

I am trying to create an exe from python code. I can run the code just fine from the command …

python py2exe cx-freeze
Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll

Previously I asked a similar question: cx_Freeze unable fo find mkl: MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.…

python dll cx-freeze intel-mkl
How do I create an all in one exe file from cx_freeze (or installer) from python 3.3

I have made a GUI python script that I would like to share with my coworkers to improve productivity. I …

python python-3.x pyqt4 exe cx-freeze
cx_freeze how to include 3rd party modules, ImportError: No module named progressbar

i came across a problem when using cx_freeze, how to "include" 3rd party modules or packages ? according to the …

python packages py2exe pyinstaller cx-freeze
Python cx_Freeze name __file__ is not defined

I have a python script which gets an image from the internet, downloads it, sets as desktop background and updates …

python cx-freeze python-module self-reference
PyInstaller: “ImportError: No module named htmlentitydefs”

I made the executable with pyinstaller like this (no --onefile or other options) > pyinstaller When i run …

python python-2.7 packages pyinstaller cx-freeze