Top "Cx-freeze" questions

cx_Freeze is a set of scripts and modules for freezing Python scripts (.py) into executable files for Windows (.exe), Mac OS (.app), or Linux.

cx_Freeze - Preventing including unneeded packages

I have coded a tiny python program using PyQt4. Now, I want to use cx_Freeze to create a standalone …

python deployment pyqt cx-freeze
How can I include a folder with cx_freeze?

I am using cx_freeze to deploy my application. I would like to include a entire directory since including individual …

python cx-freeze
Which is better - PyInstaller or cx_Freeze?

Could someone tell me which is better of the two for bundling Python applications — cx_Freeze or PyInstaller? I'm looking …

python pyinstaller cx-freeze
After creating python exe file with cx_freeze the file doesn't do anything

I recently created used cx_freeze to create a python 3.2.2 exe file. When I tried to run the exe file …

python exe cx-freeze
how to build .exe for python 3.5+, 3.6 if possible?

Is there now an easy protocol to build a .exe from python 3.5+, using modules pyqtgraph, qt5, theano, pymc3, numpy, scipy, …

python pyinstaller py2exe cx-freeze pynsist
import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be configured for Tk

Some initial information: I have windows 10 on my computer and all programs are 64-bit versions. I'm writting a game in …

python cx-freeze
exe error with cx_freeze

Hey am relatively new to compiling python scripts to exe. Im using cx_freeze to compile my scripts and once …

python pyqt4 cx-freeze
Cx_freeze ImportError no module named scipy

Good day all, I am having trouble using cx_Freeze on a code I am working on converting to a .…

python scipy cx-freeze
Hide console window with Tkinter and cx_Freeze

I am using cx_freeze to freeze a tkinter app. When I run the exe I get a wonderfully USELESS …

python-3.x tkinter cx-freeze
from . import _methods ImportError: cannot import name '_methods' in cx-freeze python

exe build successfully by using cx-freeze. But it shows the following error when I execute the exe file: from . import _…

python python-3.4 cx-freeze