Build Multiple .py files into a single executable file using pyinstaller

Nabeel Ayub picture Nabeel Ayub · Jul 21, 2018 · Viewed 26.9k times · Source

I have made a small pyqt application of 5 and 6 .py files.Now I want to build them and compiled them in a single main file.Mean I have to operate them from one main window exe. My .py files are connected with each other successfully.I have used pyinstaller to make the executable file, the problem is I have build each .py file into its own exe file.But I want to make a single exe file through which files operate.How to build all .py files into a single exe file.I have searched a lot but unable to resolve my issue.


Sushant picture Sushant · Jul 21, 2018

Suppose you had a file called like

def square (num)
    return num ** 2 

Another file in the same directory called

from . import create
def take_input():
    x = input("Enter Input")
    return create.square(x)

And finally your

from . import input
if __name__ == '__main__':
    ip = input.take_input()

You will call the command -

pyinstaller --onefile

And pyinstaller will import all the dependencies of all the files itself